Keeping in Touch
How do I find out what my child does at Pre-school?
We have an online secure journal system called Tapestry which you will have a login and password, this will be where you can see your children's observations and pictures. This will be similar to a diary of their own experiences and learning achievements which will follow the children through to the end of their Reception Year at school. You are also welcome to stay at any session as this not only gives you more of an idea of what we do, but also because you are your child’s most important educator and as such staff value your interest and support.
Children are welcome to bring in items from home that interest them or maybe a toy that makes them feel happy and settled these will then going in to the box so it can’t be lost. We will also inform you of things we may like you to contribute to (usually relate to topics we are doing or the children’s individual interests) via a newsletter, personally, current notices and any other information relevant to all parents/carers.
We also have notice boards situated inside the main entrance hall and this has copies of the Pre-school’s registration, insurance, Ofsted reports, policies, staff photographs and their roles in the Pre-school, key person board and lots of other information. We also have magazines, literature and leaflets on a variety of subjects for you to use.
Above all, please feel free to ask any questions about what we do each day and the wide range of activities we provide for all the children. You can speak to a member of staff at any time and not just your child’s key person. If you need to speak to a member of staff not free at this time, then just ask one of the other staff members to let them know you wish to speak to them, and they will get back to you as soon as they can.