Our child protection programme supports each child’s development in ways which foster security, confidence and independence. The Pre-school has a duty of care and the right to take reasonable action to ensure the welfare and safety of its children. If a member of staff has cause to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or any other form of abuse, the Pre-school will follow child protection procedures and inform social services of its concern.
Our Commitment to Equality
Equality and inclusion are at the heart of Oasis. We have a passion to include everyone and a deep desire to treat everyone equally. We value everyone and strive to protect individual rights to freedom and choice, working actively against discrimination and social exclusion, respecting the beliefs and practices of others. We accept others for who they are and respect differences. Our aim is to provide an excellent education for all.
Localised Policies and Procedures
- Allergy Policy
- Animals and Pets Policy
- Behaviour for Learning Policy
- Children's Bathrooms Changing Areas Policy
- Fire Safety Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Food Safety and Nutrition Policy
- Funding & Fees Policy
- Health and Safety First Aid Assessment
- Implementation and Review Procedure
- Individual Health Plan
- Infection Control Policy
- Intimate Care Policy
- Kitchen Policy
- Oral Health Policy
- Physical Policy
- Poorly Children Policy
- Risk Assessments
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Southampton Local Conditions of Funding
- Sun Smart Policy
- Terrorist Threat Attack and Lockdown Policy
- Transition to School Policy
- Uncollected Children Policy
- Working in Partnership Policy
National Policies
- Allergy Awareness Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Behaviour & Pastoral Care Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- E-Safety Policy
- Early Years Policy
- Exclusions Policy
- Guidance on Data Protection Consent in Oasis Academies
- Health and Safety Policy
- Induction Policy for Early Careers Teachers
- Intimate Care Policy
- Major and Critical Incident Policy
- Medical Needs and Medicines Policy
- Parental Code of Conduct Policy
- Recruitment and Selection Policy
- Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Policy
- Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
- SEND Policy
- Sex and Relationship Education Policy
- Staff Code of Conduct Policy
- Student Equality and Inclusion Policy
- Subject Access Request Policy
- Uniform Policy
- Whistle Blowing Policy